Essential Routine Testing for Pregnancy Across Trimesters

Routine testing for pregnancy across the trimesters is essential for monitoring maternal and fetal health, ensuring early detection and management of potential complications. In the first trimester, tests focus on confirming the pregnancy, estimating the due date, and screening for genetic conditions. Blood tests, urine tests, and ultrasounds are commonly used. Moving into the second trimester, additional blood tests and detailed ultrasounds assess fetal development and detect anomalies. The second trimester also includes glucose screening for gestational diabetes and continued monitoring of maternal health. In the third trimester, testing emphasizes the baby’s position, growth, and overall well-being. Tests like non-stress tests, biophysical profiles, and group B streptococcus screening become crucial. Each trimester’s specific tests provide valuable information, guiding appropriate medical care and interventions to promote a healthy pregnancy and a successful delivery.

Infographic provided by International Surrogacy Center, a top company to become a surrogate