Understanding And Treating Eye Bags: Causes, And Effective Remedies

Eye bags are a common cosmetic concern that affects many individuals, especially as they age. Eye bags refer to the swelling or puffiness that develops under the eyes, giving a tired and worn-out appearance. Eye bag (ถุงใต้ตา, which is the term in Thai) can develop due to a variety of reasons, including genetics, ageing, lifestyle factors, and underlying medical conditions. The skin under the eyes is fragile and delicate and more prone to sagging and swelling as we age. The natural fat pads that cushion the eyes can also shift and become more prominent, leading to the appearance of bags.

Causes Of Eye Bags


Some individuals may be more prone to developing bags under their eyes due to their family history. Eye bags may develop at a younger age and be more pronounced for these individuals. Ageing is also a significant factor in the development of eye bags. As we age, the skin loses its elasticity, and the natural fat pads in the face shift, leading to the appearance of bags.

Lifestyle Factors

Lifestyle factors such as lack of sleep, stress, and poor nutrition can also contribute to the development of eye bags. When we don’t get enough rest, our bodies produce more cortisol, a stress hormone that can lead to fluid retention and swelling. A diet high in salt and processed foods can also contribute to fluid retention, leading to puffiness and bags under the eyes.

Underlying Medical Conditions

In some cases, underlying medical conditions can also contribute to the development of eye bags. Allergies, sinus infections, and thyroid problems can all cause fluid to accumulate under the eyes, leading to swelling and puffiness.

Treatment Options

· Cosmetic Surgery

One of the most effective options is cosmetic surgery, such as blepharoplasty, which involves removing excess skin and fat from the area. However, surgery can be expensive and may carry risks, such as scarring and infection.

· Cosmetic Injectables

Less invasive treatments include cosmetic injectables, such as fillers and botox, which can help reduce the appearance of bags and wrinkles.

· Topical Treatments

Topical treatments such as eye creams containing caffeine or vitamin C can also help to reduce puffiness and improve the appearance of the under-eye area.


In conclusion, eye bags are a common cosmetic concern that can develop due to various factors. While they are not typically a medical concern, they can cause discomfort and self-consciousness. Fortunately, several treatment options are available to help reduce the appearance of eye bags and improve the overall appearance of the under-eye area.