In order to provide people with digital health IDs, Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission. The id will contain people’s health records, which you can use for several healthcare purposes.
Currently, many distinctive national health cards have been generated (for many individuals) due to the National Digital Health Mission. Here you can find some information about national health IDs or cards.
What is a national health card? – who can apply?
The national health card is an electronic id containing identifying data about the individual who possesses it, especially health records. Its main purpose is to provide a simple and easy way of digitally accessing and sharing the cardholder’s medical records. To store medical records of various healthcare treatments or diagnoses, individuals must create a digital health ID – a randomly generated 14-digit number. Any Indian citizen who wishes to have their medical records available electronically can create a health card. They can complete the application process online by inputting their Aadhaar number and certain personal information.
Important things that you should know regarding the national health card
The health mission initiative has established an online platform for health records. The platform will provide diverse data and information based on digital systems. Its main objective is to ensure personal health-related information’s privacy, confidentiality, and security while delivering seamless services to users. The Ayushman Bharat Digital Missions include many essential elements, mainly the national health card. It is a 14-digit unique id allotted to every registered citizen that functions as their health account.
1. Medical health record
This National Health ID is a repository of all health-related information about an individual. The health ID also enables exchanging and accessing a citizen’s longitudinal health records with their consent. The medical record in it will encompass comprehensive information about every medical examination, each ailment that was treated, the medical professionals consulted, the prescribed medicine and diagnosis, etc. Thus, this data will be tremendously valuable as it is convenient to carry around and effortless to access. It is useful even if the patient relocates to a different location or meets a new physician.
2. A national health card is generated using Aadhar or a mobile number
It is established by utilizing an individual’s fundamental information and mobile or Aadhaar number. Personal health records can be connected and examined via a mobile app utilizing Healthcare Professionals Registry (HPR) and Healthcare Facilities Registries (HFR).
3. The national health card is offered for free.
The health care offered under NDHM is voluntary and provided at no charge. The government believes that examining health data will result in enhanced planning, budgeting, and implementation for states and healthcare programs. So using health cards is expected to result in significant cost savings. Thus, healthcare facilities will be easily accessible to citizens with just a few clicks.
How can a national health card benefit citizens?
The national health card simplifies the process of securely accessing, managing and sharing your medical records through online means. By using the card, your health records can be stored in a digital platform, which is safe and secure. Unlike physical documents, citizens do not have to worry about losing any documents or carrying them to every doctor’s healthcare facility.
- Individuals can easily retrieve their digital cards on the mobile app.
- They can easily manage and share documents with healthcare centres, medical practitioners, and related facilities.
Applying for a national health card is not obligatory, as it is completely your choice. If an individual desires to join the Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission, they can apply for this digital health card. Those who already have their medical records available digitally can also make use of this facility. Apart from all these, there is no need to worry about anything; you can deactivate your national health ID or remove all your personal information at any time based on your choice.